Boomers! This is your chance to avoid getting left behind, because now you too can gain insider access to the same calculator a New Wave of Savvy Boomers are using to discover how to boost their income using The Black Rock Income Method. This is a FAIL-PROOF method with extreme safety measures built in. It's also the same method hedge funds are using to safeguard their high net worth clients against volatile market conditions…

... and the catastrophic implications to retirement savings from the President’s lies. So why not take 5 fast minutes to access a new method that boosts & protects your hard earned money before it’s too late. You deserve this!

(Screenshots Of Monthly Income Boost Payments From Our Wells Fargo Account Being Sent To Our Boomers)


(Get for free what cost me $103,000 to find out,
and OVER 7-figures to build out and perfect)


From The Desk Of Chris White
"The Boomer Income Boost Guy"
Denver, Colorado
5:37 AM
Kids are asleep.

Dear Boomer, 

What I’m about to share with you in this letter may be your massive short-cut and opportunity to boost your monthly income in the MOST SAFE, STRESS-FREE, and 100% HANDS-OFF way you’ve ever experienced.

This has been reserved (specifically) for Boomers.

I'm going to share with you a new wealth-building secret money managers won’t tell their clients since they don’t benefit or don’t even know exists. 

This new secret is one you can easily take advantage of starting as soon as today to secure the wealthy, thriving retirement you deserve...

... or shore up and fortify what you’ve already built.

A New Wave of Savvy Boomers are using this wealth building secret right now to boost their monthly income and safeguard their hard earned nest egg.

Just take a look for yourself...


$1355.33/Month, Steve & Jennifer T.
In California


$845/Month, Nancy C. In Arizona


$1500/Month, Matt P. In Colorado

I’ve got loads of more proof to show you, but before I do – here’s the skinny…

If you too want to jump to the front-of-the-line and enjoy a new, and exciting (totally passive) way to boost your monthly income…

Then this will be the most exciting letter you’ll ever read.

I’ll tell you why in a second. 

But first, I want to address what you’re likely thinking…


First, just to put you at ease, The Black Rock Income Method is 100% legal, ethical, and brain dead simple to take advantage of… 

… not to mention you still have the chance to be an early adopter. 

This early-adopter positioning creates an incredible and rare advantage for you.

This advantage will be crystal clear by the time you get through this letter.


Second, if you’ve got more than $20,000 in retirement savings locked up in the market then you’ll want to pay attention. 

And count yourself one of the fortunate ones because…

What’s most unfortunate is that 99% of Boomers with an IRA or 401k will not get their hands on this information and that would be a tragedy. 

And why is that? 

Well, if you hadn’t heard, Forbes commissioned an independent study that quickly saw through the President’s lies. 

It may not surprise you to hear that ole sleepy Joe isn’t fighting for Boomers... or those on a fixed income. 

In fact, he wants to pull the rug out from you and end tax benefits for Boomers and regular folks with more than $20,000 in their IRA and 401(k) accounts.

And to be fair to old sleepy Joe it’s not just him. 

There’s plenty of bureaucrats (on both sides of the aisle) that commit little to no energy focusing on measures that will protect and serve America’s Greatest Generation into their retirement years.

So if you have retirement savings you cannot afford to lose then this new (safe and secure) way of boosting income is something you’ll really want to pay attention to – and take seriously

Heck, with our country trillions of dollars in debt alongside the out of control money printing going on at the FED… 

… the writing is on the wall for anyone with their eyes open to clearly see. 

Frankly, it makes my teeth grind, but here’s the good news.

You don’t have to sit back and let the government and the IRS ravage your hard earned nest egg. 

You can fight back before the President or these greedy spending bureaucrats get their way… 

… and before the economy melts down even further from all of the governments reckless money printing and free handouts. 

This is where I come in…

My goal is to give you a new and exciting alternative income boosting method that’s independent from any government shenanigans. 

A method that’s been uniquely designed (and reserved) for Boomers…

… to get a consistent and predictable monthly flow of new income that keeps you in full control while safeguarding and growing your hard earned nest egg. 


I’m confident if you’re anything remotely like the Boomers we talk to then you’re ready to take a leap forward, and…

… consider an alternative (very secure) method to boost your own income too.

Which brings me to why I said this would be the most exciting message you’ll ever read. 

In fact, this is going to be an absolute game-changer for you.

And I don’t say that lightly.

Here’s why: 

The biggest hedge funds are using this method to safeguard their clients nest eggs against rising interest rates…

… and all the economic turmoil swirling around us.  

And in case you’re skeptical, here's a snippet I took from one of the biggest hedge fund websites talking about this method…

“Below are facts on how we participate… Combined, we are investing approximately $120 billion on behalf of our clients.”

And that’s just ONE hedge fund.
(*I’ll tell you who they are in a moment)

But before I do…

I think it’s important you know how I developed The Black Rock Income Method specifically for Boomers to boost their income.

And to do that…

I want to tell you a quick and wild story about how I spent $103,000 to stumble upon all of this by accident... 

… which ultimately led me to writing you this letter, because I think it's important for you to know who you're talking to. 

For reference: I’m 46 years old. 

So let's jump into my story at the age of 31.

I was a Captain in the United States Air Force. I had recently deployed to Afghanistan with the Army.

After returning from Afghanistan, I gained recognition as a top professor of leadership and peak performance at The University of Colorado Boulder.

It was a fun gig. 
Working on a college campus.
Leading and mentoring future military officers. 

In fact, one of the most rewarding professional experiences I’ve ever had…

… but it was time for the next chapter of my life. 

It was the end of 2009. I decided to scratch the itch to build my own company and pave my way in the world. 

I believed starting a business would lead to fast success.

After all, I’d been successful earning my degree in mechanical engineering from The University of Nebraska. 

I’d been successful in sports all my life.
I’d been successful in the military.
I’d also become a top leadership consultant for college men all over the country by this point. 

And if my wife was writing this letter she’d say I even had success picking her up in the King Soopers grocery store right here in Denver.

(Picture below with my wife Andrea circa 2004. This was our first date after meeting in the grocery. We knew it was meant to be when we both showed up in pink -- unplanned.)

So, naturally, why wouldn’t I think starting a company would lead to the same fast success?

Well, as you can probably imagine, I couldn’t have been more naive.

The truth is…

It was hard.
It was long days.
It was long nights. 
It was big cups of black coffee trying to figure it all out.
It was lots of money invested. 
It was lots of hard lessons learned.
It was lots of wondering if I had what it takes.
It was lots of my wife pumping me up and telling me to stay in the game.

And of course, it was not without stress.

But I kept going… remembering what my mentor Hank always told me…

“The strongest steel must go
through the hottest fire.”

And so, with lots of prayer…

… and by God’s grace and favor…

I made enough money to support my family during the lean years…

But never enough to feel like I really made it… like I could take a breath. 

Then one afternoon – back in 2015 (some five years into my business building adventure) – I met a guy who introduced me to real estate investing. 

I remember it like it was yesterday.

I was at my office in Denver, Colorado on my lunch break when this guy Michael says to me, 

“You ever think about getting into real estate investing?” 

My answer was something along the lines of, 

“Well sure. Who hasn’t dreamed about getting rich and earning monthly cash flow investing in real estate?” 

Ever since then I’ve been on the real estate path.

But that’s not the part of my story that matters to you. The part that matters comes next.

You see…

After my conversation with Michael I walked away from my six-figure marketing company to invest $20,000 with this guys group. 

That’s how I jumped feet first into my real estate investing career. 

So, you may be wondering, why such a quick pivot away from something that was successful into something I didn’t know much about?

Because one thing I’d learned as an entrepreneur is that money loves speed

And, let's face it.

I knew in my gut what I’m sure you know in yours… 

Real estate is one of the best ways to safeguard investment capital while experiencing incredible upside financial gain.

In fact, it's been reported (not surprisingly) more millionaires are created from real estate investing than any other industry on the planet. 

So it’s safe to say I was no boy genius with my decision to jump into real estate.

Well, anyways…

That $20,000 investment was a great starting point.

It gave me a Netflix style learning experience of all the different avenues one could go…

… but I wanted to avoid being just another generalist. 

Instead, I was laser focused on becoming a highly skilled surgical specialist. 

Even though I didn’t know what that looked like, I did know I needed more training.

So I invested another $15,000 with a guy named Justin. He taught me the systems and strategies for finding deeply discounted off market real estate deals. 

That led to my first big breakthrough as I was experiencing how this one skill allowed me to print money on demand. 

It was liberating. 

I locked up my first deal in just 17 days and quickly recouped my initial investment with Justin by putting $20,000 into my bank account. 

That was 27% of my salary as an officer in the military – from just one deal.

Kinda felt like I had figured out how to create my own personal economy.

I was quickly learning whoever controls the deal controls the game. 

I desired to be in control of my own game, and for the first time in my life it felt like I was. 

Real estate investing was working!

Putting 27% of a year's salary into my bank account in less than 30 days was my defining moment.

From that point onward I was hooked. 

I knew immediately continuing to go deeper as a specialist was the answer to the financial abundance and security I wanted for my family. 

I was keenly aware at this point in my 30s that it was specialists who get to live life on their own terms.

It was also at this point I realized…

… if I was going to be trusted to help others experience the freedom I was experiencing, then I would need to be a specialist. 

That much was clear as day.

So, I invested another $12,000 with a guy named Ryan to teach me direct mail marketing. 

That led to my first six figure year in real estate and at this point there was no turning back. 

And just for the record…

It wasn’t all wins and smiles.
Sure I faced challenges.
Sure I made mistakes. 

But this method of investing my capital did beat giving up control of my money to some hedge fund manager.  

At least I remember thinking that.

None-the-less, real estate investing was now the new professional frontier in my life. I dedicated all my waking time and energy to exploring it further. 

So I continued to keep my head down.

I worked tirelessly to master a craft I knew would safeguard my family and create the legacy I wanted.

And for that to really happen I knew I needed to sharpen my sales skills. 

After all, they don’t teach sales in the mechanical engineering department at the University of Nebraska. 

Sales was a necessary skill I would have to forge on my own.

So, I researched the best and invested another $32,000. 

This time with a guy named Bryce. He was contracting over fifty real estate deals every month…

… all from the power of the spoken word.

Turns out Bryce was hired by Tony Robbins to work with his sales team out in California. 

Bryce also did sales consulting with the FBI’s top hostage negotiator – Chris Voss – who authored the Wall Street Journal BestSeller Never Split The Difference.

And as you can imagine…

Going through Bryce’s sales training multiplied my success very quickly. 

All because of the spoken word. 

It reminded me of one of my favorite proverbs, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” 

And that couldn’t have been more true.

I was now using my sales skills to boost my income on a regular basis. 

With this new found power real estate investing became more fun each day. 

Little did I know my real estate investing career was about to take a wild turn, and put me on the path I’m on now – helping boomers boost their income and safeguard their nest egg from market forces out of their control

Here’s what’s funny about the whole thing…

When I was growing up I wanted to be a dentist, then a fighter pilot, then an engineer, and then a professor, and many other things.


Never once did I think I wanted to be a wealth creator and nest egg protector for Boomers

But here I am… and it’s become a blessing in disguise. 

In fact, it’s grown into the most rewarding professional experience I’ve ever had!

After all, how many can say they get to wake up every day and help America’s Greatest Generation live the lifestyle they deserve… 

… helping Boomers protect their nest egg, boost their income, and cement their legacy.


This is the lynchpin to how I stumbled into it all.

This one random day I decided to place a phone call to a cowboy in Texas named Mitch.

Mitch was the next mentor God put on my path to go even deeper into my specialty.

Cool thing about Cowboy Mitch is that he was best friends with Jesus too, so I knew from the jump it was a match made in heaven! 

But I digress…  

I first heard of Cowboy Mitch several years prior working with Ryan the direct mail guy. 

Cowboy Mitch is a Boomer and he instantly stood out to me as a guy who had figured something out I hadn’t. 

And not just any something.

Something super important and valuable. The kinda something that can really change the game in a big way.

In fact, I remember being on that first call with Cowboy Mitch. 

I felt like I imagine a medical student must feel in their first year of residency talking to a brain surgeon.

The method Cowboy Mitch was outlining sounded incredible and…

… incredibly complex for the stage of growth I was in.

I knew I wanted Cowboy Mitch’s skill set around this method, but in being honest with myself I knew I wasn’t ready. 

So to keep my sanity I would stay focused on what a past mentor Greg always said, 

“God’s always got you right where you need to be.” 

Now fast forward two years. 

My skill set had caught up.
My business was more proven and stable.
Processes and systems were in place and working predictably. 

I had also surrounded myself with an elite team of operators. 

Now that it was working, I was ready to circle back with Cowboy Mitch. 

So I got Mitch onto a call with my business partner Dave.

And that phone call changed everything, because Mitch shared a little known real estate investing strategy that I now refer to as The Black Rock Income Method.

I’ll tell you why I call it that in a second.

But… here’s the cool thing. 

Mitch spent three hours with us and shared his entire method.  

The God’s honest truth is that it was nothing short of Wow!

And as I was processing this “wow moment" in my head Mitch says,

“If you’d like I can teach you everything I’ve learned perfecting this method that’s allowing me to cash flow six figures every single month. It will probably take about six months of talking several times a week.”

Of course I said YES! 

And then a $24,000 swipe of the credit card later my business partner and I were deep into Mitch’s brain on how to make Mitch’s Black Rock Income Method work for us too.

And that’s the story of how I spent $103,000 to uncover this new income boosting method. 

There was just one problem. 

This company named Black Rock and others were now competing in my same space. (*That's what inspired The Black Rock Income Method by the way) 

So now I'm investing into single family home real estate right along side a WHALE of a Hedge Fund.

It goes without saying I was the little fish.

In case you haven’t heard of Black Rock then just Google them.

They are one of the biggest three companies on the planet when it comes to assets under management. 

It’s in the Trillions. 


With Black Rock spending $120 billion on behalf of its clients I knew we needed to re-position ourselves into our own Blue Ocean. 

That’s a business minded way of thinking I learned studying the International Bestseller Blue Ocean Strategy

The high level summary is this: Pursue differentiation and low cost to open up a new market space and create new demand, thereby making the competition irrelevant.

So that’s what we did in large part thanks to Cowboy Mitch who took us behind the curtain and showed us exactly what to do. 

It worked brilliantly. 

In fact, it worked so good, I decided to start helping Boomers use the same exact method to boost their income too. 

And, best of all…

This new, Black Rock Income Method is one of the SAFEST, EASIEST, and FASTEST ways for Boomers to protect and grow their nest egg. Period. 

But as we started rolling this out to Boomers we realized there quickly became one more challenge. 

You see…

We are just a small, family owned business. 

It’s two former military officers. My partner Dave (red shirt below) was in the military as well.

And we are doing our best to help as many Boomers as we can. 

But, as you can probably imagine...

We can only help a limited number, because the vision for our company is to stay exclusive to a select few Boomers who really get it. 


Here’s how…

We’ve just put the finishing touches on our brand new Boomers Income Boost Calculator. It’s been designed specifically for Boomers around using The Black Rock Income Method. 

And this Calculator is yours FREE today, just enter your details and hit the “download button” below...

When you click the button below and claim your very own FREE copy of this calculator here’s what will happen next:

You will get an email with the download link to the Boomers Income Boost Calculator.

And (just so you know) this Free Calculator is a fast, easy-to-use tool. It even comes with a training video of me walking you through how to use it in paint-by-numbers fashion.  

This way you can immediately take action on it…

So go ahead, take the same next step alongside a New Wave of Savvy Boomers and get your hands on what has cost us $103,000 to find and over 7-figures to build out and perfect.





How long it takes your nest egg to recover back to break even after experiencing a negative return year.
Calculate the side-by-side comparison on the performance of your current investments to what you’d be getting using The Black Rock Income Method.
How to know if your money is working at maximum performance with just a few quick inputs.
How to gain rapid peace-of-mind by knowing where the best returns will come from the next time you’ve got money to deploy.
Discover with ultimate clarity just how good -- or not -- you've done investing your hard earned money. (This is one way to check the performance of your broker or money manager without them knowing or having to get into an awkward conversation.)
Calculate if there’s an opportunity cost you’ve left on the table (and if so just how BIG it really is) with the investing solutions you’re currently implementing.
Identify what your exact Financial Target is for achieving true financial freedom by your definition. (Most Boomers are dumbfounded at just how off they’ve been in their thinking on this number and it’s usually much higher than they imagined.)
Discover how much monthly cash flow you’remissing out on by not taking advantage of The Black Rock Income Method.
Calculate your Freedom Gap so that you’ll never again have confusion or anxiety around what to do with your investment dollars. (This is the ULTIMATE peace-of-mind metric because it gives you absolute certainty on keeping the main thing the main thing when it comes to making financial decisions.)
Get exclusive access to The Ultimate Boomers Income Boost Bonus valued at $9,399 of real income boosting money just for downloading the calculator. (This bonus is reserved only for Boomers who take this step and it’s not going to be available for long so take action now before it’s too late.)
And much, much more! (I do have a surprise fast action bonus that creates an opportunity to bump your income boost – using The Black Rock Income Method – from 12% to a safe and secure annualized return of 20 to 30%, but I’m only sharing how this works from inside the Calculator. Consider it my way of saying “Thanks for your Trust!”)

(Get for free what cost me $103,000 to find out,
and OVER 7-figures to perfect)


I AM A Husband, Father, Real Estate Problem Solver, Military Veteran, Best Friends With Jesus And The Biggest Boomer Fan!

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I figure if you're going to seriously consider investing your money with my company then there's probably a few things I should share that might help you understand the character of the guy you're dealing with.

Honor Recipient Of The Colonel Dick Scobey Award. I received this award as part of the largest officer training school class in the history of the United States Air Force. It was an award voted on by my peers and given to the one officer trainee who demonstrated the highest standard of character an integrity during officer training school.
The Order Of The Phoenix. This was a National award given my senior year of college while attending The University of Nebraska where I graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. There were approximately 5,000 eligible recipients and 35 from across the nation won the award for outstanding leadership.
100% On-Time Payment Track Record. We've never once missed a payment to our Boomer Income Boost Clients and we never will because one value the military instilled in me was that nobody can take your integriy from you. Only you can give it away. Protecting my integrity is a non-negotiable so when my company says you're going to get paid a dollor amount on a specific day that's what's going to happen come hell or high water as my Grandpa used to say. Period.
God's Given Me A Heart For America's Greatest Generation. I'm full-tilt, 100% committed to doing everything in my company's power to position Boomers who really get it with the financial abundance I've experienced first-hand real estate provides.
Jesus Is My Best Friend. That means a lot of things, but the one thing you need to know it means to me is that at the end of the day I answer to Him. So you can rest assured I'm committed to never allowing my circumstances dictate my response and my response will always be filtered through the lens that Jesus has given me.
I Believe Love Is The Answer. Give me any difficult, stressful, overwhelming life scenario (personal or professional) and I guarantee I can show you the Answer is Love.
This Core Belief Drives Our Business. You can get everything in life you want if you help enough Boomers get what they want.
The Strongest Steel Must Go Through The Hottest Fire. My business partner Dave and I have faced incredible adversity and overcame extreme challenges to build The Black Rock Income Method into the #1 Most Safe & Secure Real Estate Investing solution for Boomers. Because we've invested our own resources to become battle tested there is no challenge we could now face that would be too big.
A Question I Ponder: "What would have happened had Superman never gotten out of the phone booth?" You know as I ponder that question I keep coming to this answer: Nothing would have happened and what a complete tragedy that would have been because the greatest Super Hero of all time would have never been known. I relate this idea to people. I believe we all have our own personal phone booth and I believe we are ALL just one BRAVE decision away from leaving our phone booth to live our adventure, pursue our calling, and rescue the dream God's put on our hearts. So... if this is the last time you and I ever connect my sincerest prayer is this: "God would you give the Boomer reading this the courage to leave their phone booth and then God would you bless this Boomer with the resources needed to live the adventure you're calling them into. Amen."



This FREE Calculator shows you how to safely and securely boost your income Using The Black Rock Income Method WITHOUT Touching Regular Investments, Going Through Brokers & Money Managers, OR Putting Hard Earned Money At Risk Even If You Have No Extra Time.

Boomers! You DESERVE this chance to gain a massive leap forward and take advantage of a rare opportunity to boost your income that won’t be around for much longer because when the spots are filled this page is coming down.

You’ve got NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. Take action now by clicking the button below and I’ll see you on the inside!

To Freedom!

Chris, "The Boomer Income Boost Guy"

*Screenshots Of Monthly Income Boost Payments From Our Wells Fargo Account Being Sent To Our Boomers.


(Get for free what cost me $103,000 to find out,
and OVER 7-figures to build out and perfect)